Blipbr App & Website

See locations of all your stuff, set movement alerts and recovery mode and view history.

App & Website

Mobile friendly website and Android & IOS Apps.


User-centric design ensures that what you click is what you get!

Real-time location

See all your asset’s locations at one glance!


Easily output route, trip and event data to Excel.

All devices and all platforms

Blipbr’s user friendly App works on all devices and all platforms

Get Blipbr at Google Play
Get Blipbr at the App Store

Blipbr's 4 key functions keep your stuff safe!

Locate | Movement Alarm | Recovery Mode | Quick History

Live Tracking of All your Assets


Easily keep an eye on all your stuff with the App or website.

Blipbr easily set a movement alert

Movement Alarm

Email and App alerts when your stuff moves!

Blipbr gps easyily set recovery mode for real-time tracking

Recovery Mode

Switch into Recovery Mode for real-time tracking.

Blipbe GPS quick history slider

Quick History

Keeps an accurate record of trip and location history.

Take a tour of the Blipbr App features.

Packed with invaluable and easy-to-use features.

Watch the slider presentation below.

Live view

Easily keep track of all your Blipbr stuff in real time!

Quickly view history for each asset

Quick History

Use the Quick History slider to view recent history up to 90 days. Older history is also always available.

Intelligent Tracking

Blipbr detects and records trips while preserving battery!
Quickly view history for each asset

Movement Alert

Set a Movement Alert to know when your Blipbr moves next!
Live tracking of all your assets

Set Recovery Mode

Begin live tracking if your asset is missing!
Live tracking of all your assets.

Notification Alerts

Easily set which email and App notifications you need!

What can I keep safe with Blipbr?

You can keep nearly anything that’s valuable to you safe with a Blipbr!